Student Instructions

1. Photography something circular or round

2. Photograph a stranger

3. A doorway

4. Something in disreapair

5. Abnormal perspective

6. Night

7. Contrasting colors

8. Fast movement

9. A challenging place
10. Something tiny
11. The weather
12. Interactions

13. Representation of time
14. Photograph a friends secret

15. Journey or travel

16. A Rock

17. Photograph your interest or something meaningful to you

18. People expressing emotion

19. Low vantage point

20 Reflections of object or area

21. Texture
22. Pollution

23. Take a photo of something ugle

24. Power or the force of something
25. Something Yellow

26. Strong Light.
27. Staircase

28. Comfortable area or Home
29. Instructions

30. A trick or joke;-)


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